Jehovah Jireh

God is the coolest! Seriously, I am so amazed!

I have a few updates and they are all pretty awesome! It's a good day :)

First, I'm having pretty awesome results with the 200mg of Topamax. I've felt really good lately. Definitely nothing to complain about there! People keep telling me I look better, too! Maybe I look like I'm feeling better? I always say I feel like a human's an amazing feeling, friends. You wouldn't believe how terrible it was before the medication levels me out. It's like night and day. I haven't really noticed any weight loss on Topamax yet (See this blog post about that) but maybe since I've been moved up to the 200mg I will now? I think it depends on the person/dosage. I wouldn't complain if that side effect kicked in either!

The next great thing has nothing to do with my health, but it is an immense blessing for my little family, my amazingly talented husband got a promotion! It has been in the works for a while, but it's officially official! He is now in charge of the WHOLE international program at the university and we couldn't be happier! We are SO very excited! God has certainly blessed us!

Lastly, a friend of ours notified us that he is on the board of directors at a major hospital around here and they apparently just hired one of the TOP neurologists (I believe they said one of the top 5 in the world, but we aren't 100% sure...). He also said if I wanted an appointment with him, he would get his name and phone number and make sure I got an appointment. WOW. God is so good. He is so faithful to provide, isn't He? It may not be what we expect, when we expect it, or how we expect it, but He is faithful. He is good.

Side note: Dr. S also put me on this new medicine for migraines after my Maxalt didn't get rid of that nail in my temple feeling...and I DO NOT like it. Although, I'm pretty sure the only reason the Maxalt didn't fix the pain was because IT WASN'T A MIGRAINE. Anyway, the new stuff he put me on is called Cambia, and it's this powder that you dissolve into water and drink. It tastes like toothpaste dissolved into water and it is awful. On top of that, it doesn't work. For the first 5 minutes, it made my head feel like it was going to EXPLODE and then it kind of helped with my migraine, but it was no where near as effective as what I've experienced with Maxalt. Thanks anyway, Dr. S.

Nevertheless, we feel very blessed. Not that we wouldn't otherwise, but sometimes it is hard when things are being thrown at you right and left. It can be very discouraging at times. Through the past few weeks especially, the Lord just keeps reminding me that He is good even when I am weak and hurting. Even if these things hadn't happened, I hope I would still feel unbelievably blessed. This will totally be a post for another day, but my mom had cancer a few years ago (she has been cancer free for I think almost 2 years!) and she told me once "Erin, I don't have to have cancer to take my last breath tomorrow." Every breath is a blessing. God is good.


  1. Yay!! I've been praying that the Lord blesses you abundantly, and I'm so happy to hear that He is!! He really does provide! (Jehovah Jireh is my favorite phrase, btw!). So excited about your life!


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