No Good Very Bad Day(s)

I'm not sure how long this post will be, but I'll try to make it coherent.

Monday afternoon, Randy and I were running some errands and the alarm went off on my phone to tell us it was time for my Topamax, but we had forgotten to bring it, so I basically dealt with the fact that I was going to have to miss a dose. I knew we probably wouldn't get home in time for me to take it because Dr. P says not to take it after about an hour and a half past the time I was supposed to take it to begin with. I figured I'd have a few problems the next day, but if I had known what was going to happen, I would have made us turn the car around and head for home.
In fact, now Randy's policy is just that: Medicine time is no joking matter. If it's not with us, we're going to get matter where we are. That's how bad the past 2 days have been.

So fast-forward to Tuesday, and I had basically been fine all day except for random twitching in my face and arms all day. Around 4:30, I started to get this weird headache and every couple of seconds, I got this sort of piercing jab in my temple. The pain felt like a nail was being driven into my temple. It wasn't too bad, though...maybe at this point it wasn't so much a nail as like a hat pin. More uncomfortable and sharp than anything. I had a headache kind of in the background, too, but it didn't feel like a migraine. I definitely know what migraines feel like, so I save my miracle migraine pills until it's the real deal. Well, I took some tylenol and it made the headache go away, but the sharp pain in my temple got MUCH worse! So then, I had to run a quick errand, so I get that done, and on my way to see Randy and my in-laws, the pain in my head suddenly gets unbearable, like a GIANT nail is being driven into my temple, and then suddenly my left arm, from my elbow to my wrist, begins to feel like every inch of every bone is being SHATTERED. It was like the pains I used to get before I was prescribed Topamax (I talk about them more in the introduction blog post) but this one was definitely the worst one I had ever had. Also, it would not ease up! It lasted until I made it to Randy's parents' house and they gave me hydrocodone, but as soon as it wore off the pain was back as if it was brand new. At 1:30am, I had to take another pain pill to help me sleep because I was just laying there with tears rolling down my face. It was unbearable. I mean, it's the kind of pain that literally makes you want to find a way to cut your arm off...and I am NOT being dramatic.

Then, I woke up this morning and the pain in my arm was gone, but my head still feels like it's going to burst. OH, and I should note that I did end up trying my migraine medication, just in case, and it doesn't phase this at all. I went to see Dr. P today and he basically said he is 100% that I have temporal lobe seizures and this is just the biggest seizure ever :/ and when I'm not medicated, I basically have seizures 24/7. Well, technically I'm still having them even when I'm medicated, but the medication is supposed to keep me from feeling them. So he prescribed something called "vicoprofen" and it basically knocks me OUT. But when it wears off the pain is still there. I meet with Dr. S on Friday, so maybe someone will up my meds or something because this is RIDICULOUS.

Fortunately, I have AMAZING in-laws and an even more amazing husband and they have been taking the very best care of me. I couldn't ask for more. I am so beyond blessed. God will most certainly bring us through this trial, and I will continue to praise Him in the storm.

With that said, our family would really appreciate your prayers as well.
Thank you SO much for reading!!!



  1. We are always praying for you girly! And we are here for you too! We love you both so much!


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