
Today, I had to eat a chunk of humble pie.

I knew better, but I decided to skip my only class of the day to go pre-order the new iPhone so I wouldn't have to wait in line. Also, they were already selling out and it was already going to take 2-3 weeks vs 1 week to ship it to me, so I was nervous about waiting even 2 more hours to make it to the store. I decided to go ahead and drive up there and get it over with. Well, I left around 10:10, so I knew I'd have just enough time to stop at Chick-fil-A and get breakfast as well, but only if I hurried because they stop serving breakfast at 10:30. I was a little over halfway there and I start thinking to myself, "I should probably slow down." Within a second, I see a cop out of the corner of my eye and he caught me. What irks me a little bit is the fact that I was NOT the only person speeding, but that's just me being bitter...I'm sure I'll get over that in time.

So I decided to try crying (HIMYM fans - I was trying to channel Robin from that episode), but this cop just wasn't having it. I've only gotten one other ticket before (not for speeding) and I didn't cry that time, so I thought I'd try a different approach. He literally had the ticket written up before he got to my window. It was even worse because he was super nice. I just wanted to not like him, but he was nice to me.

I let the allure of a new phone get in the way of my priorities. I mean, I really do need a new phone, but I also need to watch what I'm doing and not speed. To be honest, that one will probably be something I have to work on the rest of my life. It's my first speeding ticket, though, so I'm super upset. I'm also really disappointed in myself.

Also, it doesn't help that the second after I got it, I immediately felt convicted that if I hadn't skipped class, I wouldn't have been on that road in the first place. I would have been sitting in a classroom. Thanks, God.

I called Randy still crying...he just laughed at me. In the most loving way possible, of course. I love that man. He always knows how to make me feel better. He laughed even harder when I told him I skipped class to be there...

Justice, my friends.

I got my phone, though! I'm excited about it! It'll be here around the time the case I ordered for it should get here, so that will be nice :)
THEN, maybe I'll have a way to set timers for my medication that will actually work!!! Novel concept!

Also, my heart was deeply touched today. I received a message from a girl I knew in high school that really made my day. She said that she has been reading my blog and that she is praying for me.

I receive similar messages all the time and they are all so, so wonderful. This blog has been such a blessing. I really appreciate everyone who reads it and those who have lifted Randy and I up in prayer. You all mean so much to us. Thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts.


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