Almost Made It!

Thank you all for your prayers the other day. I actually had a great day! I was pretty nervous most of the day because of what happened last time, but it was nice except for a bit of twitching.

Everything seemed great until I got into bed, then it began. When my seizures first began - back before I knew they were seizures - they happened a lot of times right as I would lay down at night. That's part of the reason it took so long for them to figure out what was wrong with me. Turns out, since we have figured out that I have seizures 24/7 now, it's more likely that I was just more able to feel the seizures because I was sitting still. It's pretty complicated.
Anyway, I got into bed last night, and within minutes it felt like a bug or something bit me on my back. So I got my phone and looked around to see if there was anything biting me, but nothing was there. So I tried to go back to sleep. Within minutes, it felt like I was being stuck with hat pins in various places all over my back, one by one. Another seizure. A few minutes later, I had this sudden feeling that I'm not sure I can explain. It was like the other seizures I've had with the almost paralyzed feeling, where I can't really talk or convey what's happening to me, but the feeling was totally different. In this one, I was in a severe amount of pain. Yet, I had the same amount of disorientation and confusion, but it was almost unbearable. I'm not sure if this was an escalation, or something different. It wasn't pleasant, to say the least. I took one of my mega pain pills and finally got some comfort and rest around 1:30-2ish am. It was crazy.

However, it seems like it is over, so I am eternally thankful for that blessing. The last time lasted for days, so this is WONDERFUL!

Also, I remembered my medicine yesterday AND today! I am ordering a new phone tomorrow and it will be in next week, so YAY for that! Hopefully the alarm will be better on the new one and it won't be as complicated. I'm really excited about it.

Thank you so much for your prayers and concern! I really appreciate it!


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