Changing it Up...

This week has been different. I guess I should be grateful that every week is quite different, but sometimes I wish life would chill out a bit.

I just realized it is only Tuesday! Wow, time can really mess with you! I'm always amazed at how one minute it feels like time is flying by and the next it feels like it can't go fast enough.

Sunday night, Randy and I decided I needed to end my employment at the bookstore for reasons I won't fully disclose on this blog. In a nutshell, we felt like there were secrets being kept by management that shouldn't have been there, and we decided it wasn't worth the stress it caused for the pay it earned. Before this incident, I have never in my life quit a job within a week, but I guess there's a season for everything!

Next: All of my classes are going well so far! I realized something, though...
I am taking 3 of the hardest classes of my entire degree this semester...while taking a medication that impacts my mental state in a slightly negative way. Oh man. This semester is going to need to be COVERED in prayer. 

Which reminds me, I haven't talked about how Topamax is affecting my mind. I have definitely noticed a difference. It bothers me a bit, but I just try to remind myself that it's the medicine. A common nickname for Topamax is "dope-amax" because it's really bad about making you forget words and other things. I find myself having trouble remembering things I normally would know instantly, I spell words incorrectly that I normally would have no trouble with, and I just feel less intelligent in general.
Even today, as I was filling out a professor's "getting to know you" card, I had to look up how to spell "epilepsy" to be able to let him know that I might have doctor appointments every now and then, but I wouldn't miss class unless it was an emergency. I just couldn't remember how to spell it for the life of me even though I've written it a thousand times! It's discouraging.
It makes me super nervous for the school year. 

I have an EEG this weekend and I'm not sure if I'm nervous about it, but I feel kind of weird about it. Maaaaaybe I'll post a picture of all the crazy wires on my head. We shall see...


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