Taking My Own Advice

I saw Dr. S today and left horribly disappointed. In fact, I'm not sure if I'll be a patient of his much longer. I'm not one to condone doctor hopping, especially when it seems like you're only doing so because you just aren't hearing what you want to hear, but I've really thought hard about this decision and I feel like it's based on the right reasons. Let me start from the beginning...

I found this funny picture of a Dr. Salmon :)
although it looks kind of like a goldfish...
From the start, I've liked Dr. S as a person, but he has sort of fixated on something insignificant instead of what I'm coming to see him for, and that's why I was coming to him in the first place - I had a different doctor who was doing that to me. Dr. S mainly wanted to focus on my migraines, which aren't really a big problem for me, but he was trying to make them this huge ordeal, and he wasn't even wanting to really talk about my epilepsy. When I prodded him about it, he was like, "well, why don't we just try this instead and then later I can call my colleague who specializes in epilepsy and he can come help" and that was when I kind of pulled the brakes in my head. It was like, "uhh, so you don't specialize in epilepsy? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!?!?!" Brilliant. So he basically made me feel like he wasn't qualified to help me anymore. He was always booked anyway. My next appointment was going to be at 8am on a Thursday! AND I was driving 40 minutes to see him anyway, which I didn't realize when I started seeing him in the first place. Time to find someone nearby. Seriously.
 Anyway, so that was frustrating. However, he raised my dosage for my Topamax to 200mg, so hopefully I'll stop having so many breakthrough events and my brain will CHILL out.

Also, if that wasn't bad enough, his staff was just AWFUL. They were terrible about calling me back and scheduling appointments in general. Today, I had a few prescriptions I needed, so I went ahead and had them fax them for me since it was a 40min drive. I figured they'd be filled by the time I got to the pharmacy and it'd make my life a teensy bit easier...WRONG. They hadn't sent it yet. When I called over there to ask, the girl who was helping me said "hold on a second" and then transferred me to someone's voicemail! So then I had to call back and at that point I was SO MAD! She says, "well, Monica faxes prescriptions, but she's on the phone. That's why you went to voicemail." "oookay, can someone else fax it, please?" "no, Monica does it." "Do you know when she will be able to fax it?" "No, she's on the phone." "Do you know when she will be off the phone?" And it went on and on... SO ridiculous!

Anyway, I mentioned some doctor tips back in my post about doctors and I realized today that I needed to take my own advice and not deal with this nonsense. So, I'm going to start looking for a new doctor now so I hopefully won't have to go to my appointment. I think I may nix the neurologist all together and just continue to go to Dr. P...he knows what's up and he knows me. He's the only doctor I've found so far with any sense in his head.

So that's where I'm at today. Feeling slightly discouraged, but I'll manage.


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