Something Beautiful

Ok, so now that I'm off of that soap box, I feel much, much better. The air was thin up there!

Something incredible happened today. Something beautiful happened today.
Let me start from the beginning.

So I stayed up WAY too late again studying for my Spanish final, and after the Olympics tonight I am SO going to try to get on a better sleeping schedule! :) Anyway, I went to Spanish, took my final, had lunch with Randy and got to sit and enjoy talking with my amazing husband for a while. It was so wonderful. True story: I hadn't told Randy about my blog yet. I know that sounds crazy, but I just wasn't ready for anyone to know about my blog until last night, other than those who happened to stumble upon it. Also, I'm really bad with my [spoken] words sometimes, so it was kind of better for me to tell him about it by not verbally telling him, but by him reading about it. It was sort of liberating. Call it what you will, but I will call it liberating. Anyway, we discussed it and he told me he enjoyed reading it and agreed with the things I had to say, most of which we had already discussed, and we just talked about everything. We love being around one another. Ladies, marry a man you love being around, and who loves to be around you.
So then I shared my heart with him and how I felt like God had called me to share my story, that it may somehow help someone else in a similar situation. I didn't know if it would ever happen, but I knew that God had put this insatiable desire for me to share my story. It was seriously all I could think about for weeks.
He was really supportive, as always, and it warmed my heart. He's super great that way :) Awesome husband, that one :) So, I go home. All is well.

I get on facebook, and I see a post from a girl I know from home who has been battling what is turning into her own medical mystery and my heart strings start to tug for this precious girl. I was her a year ago. Even what she's dealing with is very similar to things I've gone through in the past, prior to this year. So, I decided to do something I dread doing. I reached out with the ever-awkward, "I know what you're going through" facebook message. I mean, I didn't say that exactly. I told her I felt for her, explained some of my situation, told her I knew it could be super discouraging, gave her some advice on doctors (I'll dedicate a post to that in the future...whew!) and sent her a link to my blog with a "no pressure" chaser.

She soon replied with "Wow. I don't even know what to say. Thank you so so so much. That is exactly how I'm feeling. I will definitely check out this website and your blog for sure!..." and a few other things, to which I responded with a "you are most certainly welcome!" and I thought that would be the last I heard from her, but I was already touched. Those words had already made my day. A few minutes later, I received words that meant even more:
"Just read your blog. Wow.
Wow wow wow.
God is so good.
You have helped me and touched me more than you know. I truly needed to read that.
Thank you Erin."
If God does nothing else through this blog than touch that one person, I will be totally satisfied. I would have been fine even if nothing had ever come from it, because it just felt good to get all of these thoughts out of my head, but to know that my experiences have helped someone makes it all worth it. If my pain can help her recover and figure out how to get the care she needs faster than I did, then I would do it all again. Praise God.

To Him be ALL the glory!


  1. I 2nd the marrying a man you love to be around! You have been such an inspiration to so many Erin, even those of us who may not be having similar struggles to you, you are still such an inspiration, and so strong! I am so proud of you for starting this blog, I think it's great! Praying for you always, and I love you!


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