Rocky Roads & Seizure Journals

Well, I think I might have talked a little too much about how awesome I was feeling. I had almost exactly 1 week of feeling amazing and then I crashed BIG TIME. This past Saturday, I had this weird feeling all day accompanied by a headache that felt like it was kind of a broken record - it wasn't so bad until it looped around to the bad part. The "weird feeling" I mentioned was pretty annoying as well. It was like I felt like something horrible was going to happen, all day, but I couldn't figure it out. Kind of like the feeling you have when you think you've forgotten something important times 1000. It was beyond frustrating. Needless to say, it was an overwhelming day. I felt terrible. To top it all off, when I went to bed that night I had a seizure...or at least what we've come to think are my seizures. My seizures work by sending off ridiculous signals all over the place like a circuit board gone mad. That's what they think is happening anyway. My doctor told me today they really don't know what to make of them since temporal lobe seizures are so tricky. Mine occur in the temporal and rear lobes of my brain. It's freaky when you think about it. Anyway, so I was miserable and since that night I have had this lingering headache that won't really go away. Coffee has helped soothe it a little, but nothing really tames it but heavy narcotics, and I'm trying to stay away from those unless I absolutely need them.
In other news, I saw Dr. Peikari today, which is always super exciting. It's great having a doctor who listens and genuinely cares. On my way there I had a little scare, though. Remember that sinking, slipping away feeling I mentioned before? It happened again. I haven't had it since that first time, but this time I had a less intense version while driving. When I told Dr. P I thought his eyes were going to pop out. I may or may not be a danger to society...shhhh! Fortunately, I had my bluetooth in my ear, so I called my friend Lauren and had her distract me so I could try to focus on the road. I could feel my mind trying to slip away and lose focus, so I needed some way to engage it. Driving 70mph on a major highway is no place for a seizure! So Dr. P decided I wasn't on a high enough dose of my anti-seizure medication and he thinks it is wearing off too early and my body is basically freaking out about it, so he doubled it. Eventually, I'll probably be taking 4x what I'm taking now (which is standard) but you have to work up to that. We shall see!

I also started keeping a journal of how things are going and I'm trying to write down any time something strange happens so we can start trying to piece together what is a symptom and what is a side effect. Hopefully I can be diligent about writing in it!


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