
I'll try to make this brief because I'm supposed to be studying for a test, but I've been pretty discouraged the past few days. I'm not sure if I've been having spasms, or who knows what, but my body has been freaking out. I'm kind of bummed, too, because that probably means I'll need to switch medications. Urgh. I really don't want to do that. Even as I'm sitting here, I have intense, sharp pain flying from random places like the left side of my head, to the my right elbow, to my left kidney area, and so on. It just keeps going. I've been doing so good on the pain scale up until today. Today has been freakish, though. The day started with an appendicitis scare...and I only say that because I had been super nauseous yesterday and today I had a sharp, shooting pain in the right side of my stomach that I thought was going to kill me. Since I've had appendix problems in the past, it seemed possible. Fortunately, the intense pain went away from that area specifically, but then it moved to the weirdest place I've ever had pain - my fingertips. The pads of my fingers on my right hand felt almost bruised for at least an hour and it was so painful, I could barely drive home. I called Randy in tears thinking I wouldn't be able to do my Spanish homework because I didn't even think I could grip my pencil. It was alarming. Fortunately, the pain eased up soon after that pitiful phone call. I called Dr. Peikari earlier when the pain was really severe and they said they wanted to see me ASAP, so I'm going in tomorrow after class.

I definitely need to start making sleep a priority in my life, though. I have NO IDEA how I will do that, but I need to try. One of my friends with epilepsy tells me sleep & stress are her main issues, so maybe I'll get better if I can get those 2 things under control... oh boy...


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