A Breath of Hot Air

This past Tuesday I started a new adventure with my favorite ginger :)
(my favorite non-husband ginger, that is...)
We started practicing hot Y O G A!
Tuesday was our first class, and since then I have been to 5 classes!

I had gone to one class when I spent a month in South Korea in 2011, but I had no clue what anyone was talking about, and it was really weird being the only non-Korean there. Definitely uncomfortable. I liked it, but it wasn't a life changing experience or anything.
This is Ally & I in our first week of college - we were roomies :)
and yes, my hair was hot pink

Before my experience in Korea, I'll admit that I was one of those people that kind of looked down on yoga because I thought it was just a bunch of humming in a room with a bunch of people wearing no more than 2 articles of clothing. I also thought it was just a series of stretching into freaky positions that only stretched you out. I definitely didn't think it helped with weight loss. I also had the crazy notion that yoga was easy... Man, I was wrong.

Since then, I've decided (and I think I've mentioned it before) that yoga is the best work out option for me right now because it relieves stress (DEFINITELY need stress relief!) while also toning and strengthening. I wasn't interested in the religious aspect of it, so I looked around the area for a studio that was focused on fitness and settled on Sunstone Yoga. It is fairly expensive, but Allison and I are splitting the cost of the membership because you get a guest in for free. It keeps us accountable for one another as well as keeping things manageable in terms of cost. Honestly, after going to several classes, I feel it's absolutely worth it.

We went to their "Wood" class on Tuesday, and we went to their "Fire" class Wednesday night. We've been to 2 more Fire's and a "Spark" class, too. I have never felt so refreshed and so sore at the same time. It truly is addicting. My body is screaming (mostly my abs) but I really want to do more... I was sore last week, but going to class made me feel really good even when before class I was so sore I could barely move. The heat REALLY helps! By Friday, I was barely sore at all. After almost a week I can say that only 2 muscles hurt right now, and they only hurt when I strain them...I think I damaged them by not stretching right the first class, and they're still recovering.

Their Wood class is a core strengthening class that combines yoga, pilates, and "unique resistance stretching" in a 90 degree room with 60% humidity. It was intense. The Fire class was a little more traditional in the poses, but it was in a 98.6 degree room with 60% humidity - Fire indeed! I walked in and sweat immediately started to bead on my forehead. I thought to myself, "what have I gotten myself into?!"
I really loved it, though! I liked the Fire class more than Wood, but I still felt like there was no way I'd make it to the end. I pulled through, but if it had been longer than an hour I might have died.
Sweat was pouring from my whole body by the end! It really felt like when I used to be a mascot in 100 degree summer days. Yep, I was a mascot, too.
Then there's the Spark class, which was basically a less intense version of Fire. It's only 90 degrees with 60% humidity, hah. I think it's my favorite for now because I'm still a beginner, but I liked all 3 varieties we went to. They have 3 other classes, but they're more advanced versions. Definitely not ready for them yet. Someday!

I'm really glad I opened my mind to yoga. I can't believe I used to look down on it!

In only 5 classes I have already seen so much improvement! Sometimes it can get a little discouraging when I can't do a certain posture, but I just remind myself that everyone in the room with me started somewhere. I have also developed a deep love for yoga clothes. My favorite pants are Tek Gear (which I believe is a brand exclusive to Kohls - these are my favorites) and I love any shirt that keeps moisture from weighing me down. As I mentioned before, you sweat so much in these classes it feels like someone poured a bucket of water on you! Maybe even 2 or 3 of them!

I love it!

I've also found a Christian yoga blog called "She Breathes Deeply," that I'm starting to read. I haven't read much of it yet, but it looks pretty solid. There's another one here called "The Little Way."

Here's a fun illustration I found with some yoga benefits! My favorite part about it is the personal satisfaction from endurance and strength, and the clarity I feel. It is the best stress reliever I have ever found. The other day I was SO stressed and just felt super cranky until I got into the class. When I walked out it was like I was a new person. That's basically how I feel after each class: renewed.

The peace and clarity is definitely the best, though. As someone told me once, "It's hard to think about much of anything when you're trying not to fall over." Amen.

Aside from that, my classes begin TOMORROW! I have a bit of sadness about not being graduated already, but I know everything happens for a reason. I am where I need to be. I need to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing and that He knows the plans for me. Most importantly, I need to trust that He is working for my good. Praise the Lord for comfort and peace in Him! 


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