Valentine's Day!

I got to spend Valentine's Day with the love of my life, and it was perfect!

We had to go out of town because Randy had a conference to go to on the 15th, so I went with him and we celebrated Valentine's Day Wednesday, Saturday, & Sunday! SO awesome! I love that man SO much!

Here are some pictures from our trip...

We also went to an AMAZING botanical garden! We loved it! 
Randy and I both love flowers/plants/gardening, so this was really special.

This picture and the one below were at the Japanese Garden.
Randy took me to a Japanese Garden as part of our first date! So we just HAD to see this one!

Then, we had THE BEST pizza I have ever eaten in my life! WOW!

I love my sweet husband SO much! He is the best!!!
Here's the card I got him (minus the handwritten message). 
For the record, I believe in loving ALL year long, but it is nice to have one day (or a few days in our case) where we celebrate it a little bit more :) 

We love because He first loved us. How beautiful is the love of the Father! Hallelujah! 


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