
Oh! Hey there!

Sorry it has been forever since my last update! Life is ridiculous right now, as you might expect.
Alright, I guess I'll break this down into categories...

The day I was admitted. The little hair buns were so my hair stayed out of the
way of the electrodes and it helped when it came time to dissolve the glue!
The hospital was a crazy experience. I was there for the full 5 days and I only got to sleep for 8 hours between Monday at 7am and Friday at 2am. You have never felt true exhaustion until you have been awake for 26 hours after having slept only 7 hours total in the previous 3 days. What's even worse was they only let me take a 1hr nap at that point. I seriously almost cried. Actually, I think I did cry...That was Thursday afternoon. It was rough. It didn't help that every day, at least twice a day, they were making me hyperventilate for long periods of time and flashing crazy strobe lights in my eyes. NO FUN!

They finally let me sleep on Friday for about 6 hours. I thought it would be magical, but I happened to have one of the worst migraines EVER from the second I laid down until I got out of bed the next morning. Ugh! 

I also celebrated my birthday in the hospital - what a way to celebrate, right?
My awesome MIL made me a cake :)
It actually wasn't bad. Mom and Steve came to see me and mom stayed with me every day until Thursday while Steve was back at their hotel working. It was really nice having my mom with me the whole time. She was great company! She also surprised me with a new James Avery charm bracelet, a birthday charm from her & Steve, and a PANDA charm from my brother & Miriam! I LOVE pandas! And I LOVE James Avery!!! I wear my bracelet every day :) It's so pretty.
I also got some great gifts from other family members. It was really, really great. I am so thankful for such loving, generous people in my life!

So I guess everyone is wondering what the results were from the hospital...
Well, it wasn't really that revealing. Basically, they determined I do not have epilepsy. That was a huge shock! They said they don't know what's causing my seizures, but if I had epilepsy it would have showed up. I did not have one of my typical seizures while there, so we still don't know what they even look like in my brain. FRUSTRATING! So basically we're looking at them as another symptom of something else right now. Back to the drawing board! More hunting...more tests...

Good News:
FORTUNATELY, something good has come from this! They took me off of some of my medications and I feel GOOD! I'm getting my memory back, and people keep telling me I'm "back to my old self." I had NO idea I was different...I mean, I knew I could barely hold conversations because I would forget what I was talking about, or I forgot all my words, etc., but I didn't realize my personality was so different. Everyone keeps saying, "you look/sound AMAZING!" YAY!

Bad News:
I am having daily pain that is excruciating. It's like my shooting pains are on steroids now and these pains are kind of like a stinging/burning/aching sensation all over. It's kind of like I'm being continuously zapped by high voltage electricity. It's tolerable, but still very, very painful. I've also had problems with my headaches/migraines lately. We're working on my medicine and such...we shall see. I'm also having a ton of social anxiety lately, but Dr. P said that might be a side-effect of stopping certain medicines so quickly. I should have stopped them gradually, but it was instant. He said that might go away in a month or so...hopefully it does! I'm feeling nervous quite a bit lately. I've never been very shy around people or talking in front of a class, but I was so anxious about talking in front of my class the other day that I almost didn't go! I feel that way just about any time I know I'm going to be around someone other than Randy. It's very odd for me.
I also have insane nightmares EVERY NIGHT! I am having anywhere from 1-4 nightmares a night...and those are just the ones I remember. They have been awful, though. I wake up several times a night now because they are so awful - sometimes I even wake up crying. Everyone thinks that's another side effect of medication, though. I'm currently on 2 different medications that list nightmares as common side effects. 
It's insane!


Well, mostly. I'm still limiting my driving quite a bit right now. With my recent anxiety, driving is NO FUN! It's nice knowing I could drive, though.

I love the freedom!

HUGE thanks to my fantastic in-laws for driving me everywhere lately! They're THE BEST!

Thank you all so much for the prayers and support during this time. We don't know what we'd do without you guys! We appreciate each and every one of you!

I'll keep you posted...


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