Under Pressure

Not gonna lie, I decided on the title of this post earlier today and I've had "Under Pressure" by Queen stuck in my head ever since. You can listen below if you want...especially if you don't know what song I'm talking about. And especially especially if you are like me and think it would be fantastic to read this post with that song in the background.

Note: I've been told the video box doesn't show up on mobile devices, so if you want to see it, go here

This post won't be long, and if you saw my update on Facebook yesterday talking about a new post I was working on, this isn't that post, but it should be coming soon!

I definitely felt like this guy today!
This post is a quick update about my appointment with the neuro-ophthalmologist today. My appointment was at 9am and I was there for several hours and they did about 10 different tests on my eyes. My doctor told me the results at the end of the appointment, thank goodness! I was so glad to not have to wait any longer. He said my right eye is not seeing as well as it should be and the nerve in my right eye is not sending signals to my brain as quickly as it should be either. He said there was a delay, which further backed up what I have been saying about my vision for the past month. It's so nice to have some confirmation for my symptoms. He also said the veins (I think he said veins? maybe capillaries? ) in both eyes are swollen and a few other things...I'm not entirely sure. He talked kind of fast, I had just been through a lot of tests, and I didn't take notes. I did manage to catch the next part, though. He said he believes there is too much pressure on my brain, which is most likely causing my migraines and vision problems. On my form he called it "papilledema", which is defined as "optic disc swelling that is caused by increased intracranial pressure."

He also said he believes he can fix it with medication! Woo! He has to rule out a couple of reasons why it's under pressure first, though...

So I have one more test first. I have a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, tomorrow at 9am. In case you don't know what that is, here's a link from the Mayo Clinic's website describing everything you'd need to know. Link for lumbar puncture info

Randy and I both had to take off work for tomorrow. They're gonna stick a needle in my spine to collect my spinal fluid, and I'll have to be on mandatory bed rest for the next 24 hours.

So if you would, please pray for Randy and I this next week. It might be a little rough.

I'm not sure when I'll hear any results, but I should know something by next Thursday at least. That's when I go back to my neuro-ophthalmologist. Hopefully he won't keep me waiting until then!

Praise the Lord for some steps in the right direction, though!
Hopefully I'll have some relief soon and life can be a little more normal!


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