A New Season

If you have read this blog at all, you know it has been a rough few years. Other than the absolute joy of marrying my best friend, I feel like the last 5 years have been a blur of a long, dark valley.

However, I feel a new season coming around and I am incredibly thankful!

Allow me to fill you in... :)

I HAVE MIGRAINE RELIEF!!!! Finally. So I wrote at one point that my new neurologist decided Botox injections were my best bet for relief since I had been on so many medications before and nothing seemed to help. Seriously, y'all, I tried every medicine and/or natural thing I could find. IF something worked, it didn't work long. So I got the Botox and it wasn't a huge difference, but they said to wait for the second treatment to totally rule it out. For some reason it doesn't always work the first time for a lot of people. I still had pretty bad headaches, and after a week or two, I was back to daily migraines. I promise it's as miserable as it sounds. Then, I went and saw a new doctor about my possible Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) that a doctor of mine had kind of casually mentioned once, but never really went into. She was kind of like, "hmm, you could possibly have this" to herself one appointment and I never heard anything else about it. One reason I was pretty eager to find out is because I have always had THE WORST acne ever and, like migraine meds, I have tried just about everything out there with no results. So if nothing else, I decided it was time. I'm almost 24...not that that's old or anything, but I feel like acne should be fading away at this point, not getting worse. Sure enough, they said I was actually "textbook" PCOS. Not sure how I feel about that, but at least they didn't tell me it was the weirdest case they had ever seen and didn't know how to approach it. If I had a nickel for every time...
So the lovely doctor (probably my new favorite, ever) prescribed this medicine called Metformin and after 2 or 3 days I started noticing my migraines were gone! I thought it could have been a fluke, but after a week of the medicine I was convinced! Unfortunately, the medicine makes me incredibly sick and has to be taken 3 times a day. Long story short, they got me a coated version of the same medicine, so my stomach is better, but not completely. For example, I can no longer drink soda of any kind or eat fast food. On the up side, I had been wanting to give both of those up to be healthier anyway, so it kind of works! Even better, I can still eat Chick-fil-A with no problem! yay!
I had my second treatment of Botox about a week ago and it is going so well! It seems the two things combined finally fixed me :)

We also adopted 3 feral kittens from our backyard!!! This happened the same day I began the Metformin, so who knows if the medicine truly fixed my migraines :)

Here they all are right after we found them :) They're about 5 weeks old here. The orange one in the back left is Penny, the grey one is Annie, and the other orange goofball is Oliver. They're the best! We wanted to adopt them so they wouldn't become part of the feral cat population/cycle in our neighborhood. We were originally only going to keep one, buuuut then we fell in love with the other two boogers.

They're about 14-15 weeks old now. This is the best picture I could find of all 3 because they're WILD and rarely sit still! In case you're wondering how we tell Oliver and Penny apart, it's mostly the ears, but he is also longer and generally bigger than Penny...and, um, a boy...

I have a hard time thinking of these kittens as wild cats that are afraid of humans. They're so loving, playful, and affectionate. They sit and cry when we come in the room until we pick them up. Then, they sit and purr in our arms. So fun! Pepper loves them, too, so that's a bonus. We've never been able to socialize her because she flips out at other animals so badly, but she has been fine. Such a blessing!

To top things off, Randy was promoted to Vice President over the online and international departments at his university as well as Dean of online education. I am so, so proud of him! He has worked so hard to be where he is.

So here we are :) Almost 3 years of marriage and very much in love!

That's all I have for now. I have thought about writing for the last few months, but it never actually happens. This time I had to force myself to just write without trying to think of everything. 

Above all, I'm eternally grateful. I have learned so much in this valley, but I am so relieved to enter a new season. 


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