
Showing posts from December, 2014

A New Season

If you have read this blog at all, you know it has been a rough few years. Other than the absolute joy of marrying my best friend, I feel like the last 5 years have been a blur of a long, dark valley. However, I feel a new season coming around and I am incredibly thankful! Allow me to fill you in... :) I HAVE MIGRAINE RELIEF!!!! Finally. So I wrote at one point that my new neurologist decided Botox injections were my best bet for relief since I had been on so many medications before and nothing seemed to help. Seriously, y'all, I tried every medicine and/or natural thing I could find. IF something worked, it didn't work long. So I got the Botox and it wasn't a huge difference, but they said to wait for the second treatment to totally rule it out. For some reason it doesn't always work the first time for a lot of people. I still had pretty bad headaches, and after a week or two, I was back to daily migraines. I promise it's as miserable as it sounds. Then, I w...