
Showing posts from 2014

A New Season

If you have read this blog at all, you know it has been a rough few years. Other than the absolute joy of marrying my best friend, I feel like the last 5 years have been a blur of a long, dark valley. However, I feel a new season coming around and I am incredibly thankful! Allow me to fill you in... :) I HAVE MIGRAINE RELIEF!!!! Finally. So I wrote at one point that my new neurologist decided Botox injections were my best bet for relief since I had been on so many medications before and nothing seemed to help. Seriously, y'all, I tried every medicine and/or natural thing I could find. IF something worked, it didn't work long. So I got the Botox and it wasn't a huge difference, but they said to wait for the second treatment to totally rule it out. For some reason it doesn't always work the first time for a lot of people. I still had pretty bad headaches, and after a week or two, I was back to daily migraines. I promise it's as miserable as it sounds. Then, I w...


I have literally drafted 6 blog posts for an update, but I always manage to get distracted and I haven't finished any of them! By the time I get back around to finishing the post (1-2 weeks later) most of what I have written is old news, or I need to convert it to past tense, haha. Basically, I'm the worst! So sorry. I hope you haven't given up on me! Warning: this post is going to be FULL of pictures because SO much has happened! This is on our door in our office :) I have been so busy with my job these days and that is fine by me! I love my job. I have always adored books, but for some reason I never thought of working in a library as particularly fun . Maybe because I've always gotten my books from school libraries, and school definitely doesn't bring the warm fuzzies. I wanted to work in a book store from age 16, but I never considered a library. For one thing, I don't think I ever realized that there are more than librarians who work at libraries...

The Fun Stuff

Now that we're all up to date on medical stuff ... TO THE FUN STUFF :) SO. MUCH. HAS. HAPPENED! I know I say that in almost every post, but WOW. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to cover it all. First - we went to San Diego for a work conference Randy had to be at. People kept asking if I was in SD for vacation and I would say, "well, my husband is here for work, so I'M on vacation!" It was so nice to get away for a while. Everything was perfect except our hotel from hell. More on that in a minute :) Here are fun pictures first: Get ready for photo overload :) The incredible Italian food we had the first night. It was legit.  The view from the courtyard of the hotel! The location was probably the only great thing about it! It was apparently THE hotel for every party-going piece of trash in Pacific Beach. Not that everyone who goes to a party is trash, but these people definitely were. It was OUT OF CONTROL. There were loud parties, sc...