
Showing posts from 2013

Blue Christmas

I have had this song stuck in my head for a week. Why? I don't know...I can't even remember the last time I actually heard "Blue Christmas"! Then the craziness of my life happened, and I actually had a very blue Christmas indeed. I'll begin on Saturday, December 21. I had my first class of my winter english class and I was not terribly thrilled about being in class on Saturday morning, and I was even less thrilled about being there from 9-3. Just knowing it wouldn't be much longer until I was on a plane to go see my family for Christmas was enough to drive me crazy! Then something crazy happened...I discovered how incredible my professor is! She kind of looks like Meg Ryan a little bit - from her You've Got Mail days, and she is SO passionate about literature. I knew within about 20 minutes that this class was going to be one of the best classes I will ever take. She is incredible. I cried during the first half of her lecture because it was so pow...


I love creating things.  I always have.  I have a deep love and passion for art, but I can barely remember the last time I actually made something except the other day when I made a banner for a coworker's wedding shower. It stirred something within me and now I have such a desire to make more things! It's a little overwhelming! I made her banner from a heavy watercolor paper that I measured out and cut into triangles, then I used these fun flat chalk things and shaded the triangles with browns, a little gold, and a little red. Her wedding colors are pink, cream, and gold :) Then I cut out the letters for her married name in a celtic font (because she loves LOTR and such) and painted them with a dark brown acrylic and glued them on! After I punched holes and tied them all together with twine I sealed it with a spray so the chalk wouldn't rub off. Fun! Before that, who knows what I made last, or WHEN I made it! So I decided to be nostalgic and post some o...

Holding Onto Hope

Have you ever felt like you keep hearing something, and finally you're convinced it was meant for you? That's my life right now. I am desperate for hope.  Unfortunately, I have found mine running out lately, but The Lord knew it was exactly what I needed. I have literally heard something about having hope, or keeping hope, or The Lord being our hope, etc., almost every day for at least the last week and a half. It has been such a blessing because there have been so many times in the last month I have felt so helpless, and definitely hopeless. The pressure in my head is not really getting better and my doctor doesn't seem to care. For some reason, the first time he prescribed my medication it helped for a month before it started to not work anymore. Then, he doubled the dose after I had to make an emergency trip to see him and it lasted from Tuesday to the next Wednesday - last Wednesday, actually. I was at work when around noon it felt like something popped in my rig...

Giving Thanks

THANKSGIVING!  I feel like Thanksgiving is so under-appreciated. Especially this year... Is Thanksgiving later than normal this year? I'm the kind of person that prefers holidays in order (read: celebrating Christmas AFTER Thanksgiving) but even I have been getting a little antsy for Christmas this past week. Maybe that has more to do with the fact that we've been decorating for Christmas at work for the last 3 weeks? Back to the point: Thanksgiving! I'm really excited that it's finally the week of Thanksgiving. We're celebrating on Thursday and Friday (mostly Friday) this year due to everyone's schedule, so I find myself really confused about which day is which this week. Thursday should be a quiet afternoon. Randy's parents are coming to our house and I'm making my dad's chili :) Randy's dad said he wanted chili, so I'm making it! I think it's perfect for the cold, and I definitely don't want more turkey than I have to eat this...

Too Much.

The last month definitely needs to be filed under "too much" in my book. Where did I leave off? Oh, right... might have too much pressure in my brain. Normal stuff. So I had my lumbar puncture on Friday and then started what will officially be known as one of the worst weekends of my life. Not. Even. Exaggerating. Maybe even one of the worst weeks? Let's start with the lumbar puncture. I drove there because we basically had to go the same route I drive to work, and it's a nightmare in the morning. Since I'm used to it and have kind of figured out where the good lanes are and whatnot, it was smarter for me to drive there. Randy drove home for obvious reasons, like I just had a needle in my spine and had to remain flat for 24 hours. I decided not to take a pain pill before the procedure even though my head was splitting from a headache that was just a teensy bit away from migraine level pain. I figured I'd need to be able to feel pain to be able to tell t...

Under Pressure

Not gonna lie, I decided on the title of this post earlier today and I've had "Under Pressure" by Queen stuck in my head ever since. You can listen below if you want...especially if you don't know what song I'm talking about. And especially especially if you are like me and think it would be fantastic to read this post with that song in the background. Note: I've been told the video box doesn't show up on mobile devices, so if you want to see it, go here This post won't be long, and if you saw my update on Facebook yesterday talking about a new post I was working on, this isn't that post, but it should be coming soon! I definitely felt like this guy today! This post is a quick update about my appointment with the neuro-ophthalmologist today. My appointment was at 9am and I was there for several hours and they did about 10 different tests on my eyes. My doctor told me the results at the end of the appointment, thank goodness! I was so ...


That is how I feel right now. Broken. So where to begin? First off, so sorry it has been forever since my last post. I've actually written 7 drafts in the last few months, but I never finish them or post them. Things have been absolutely insane around here lately and I have been so busy that I want to go back in time and tell the me from this past year she doesn't know the first thing about being busy. Long story short, I got a job! Well, I guess it's not exactly a long story...I found out about the job and got the job within a 6 day period. Not too shabby! I feel like I'm back where I was in 2009, 2010, and half of 2011. I was working a 30 hour job, taking 12-18 hours a semester and sleeping about 3 hours a night. Fortunately, I'm sleeping around 6-8 hours these days - PRAISE THE LORD! - but I have a TON of homework and I usually don't get home from work until 6:30. Couple that with trying to go to bed before 11 and I have zero time for a life. I want...

A Breath of Hot Air

This past Tuesday I started a new adventure with my favorite ginger :) (my favorite non-husband ginger, that is...) We started practicing hot Y O G A! Tuesday was our first class, and since then I have been to 5 classes! I had gone to one class when I spent a month in South Korea in 2011, but I had no clue what anyone was talking about, and it was really weird being the only non-Korean there. Definitely uncomfortable. I liked it, but it wasn't a life changing experience or anything. This is Ally & I in our first week of college - we were roomies :) and yes, my hair was hot pink Before my experience in Korea, I'll admit that I was one of those people that kind of looked down on yoga because I thought it was just a bunch of humming in a room with a bunch of people wearing no more than 2 articles of clothing. I also thought it was just a series of stretching into freaky positions that only stretched you out. I definitely didn't think it helped with weight ...

Recipe Love : Peach Cobbler Edition

So I have a new recipe that I am cuckoo for cocoa puffs over. Well, sorta...I never liked cocoa puffs... You get the picture anyway, right? I hate telling people what this recipe calls for until they actually eat it, because anyone who knows the ingredients before they eat it will usually only eat it because they don't believe me when I say it's amazing. I don't blame them. If someone had told me what was in it before I ate it I probably would have been a big food snob about it, depriving myself of something glorious. So what am I yapping on about? P E A C H C O B B L E R ! Aka: my favorite dessert, ever. For the record, my dad makes an incredible peach many would call the best cobbler they've ever eaten. It is delicious, but it is also time consuming. I don't mind spending time on food, but sometimes you just don't have the time, ya know? Can I get an "amen"? So do yourself a favor and give this recipe a chance...then memor...

EVCO Revisited, Vacation, & Cooking

If you read my blog often, you know I have a slight grudge against using coconut oil on my skin... I first mentioned my misfortune with it in this post.   I used it on my face and developed TERRIBLE pimples that were super deep and incredibly painful. I decided then I would never try it again. Then, I discovered the oil cleansing method that I mentioned in a different post... it used castor oil and EVOO mixed together. Unfortunately, after a little over 2 months of using this on my face, it stopped helping. If anything, it started making things worse. I have a friend that has been using it for a long time with no trouble, though. Everyone is different. Several people told me they had used the oil cleansing method, but with extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) instead. I was considering it, but still wasn't sold... Then I read this blog post by another blogger,  Little Miss MBA , about using coconut oil the same way I had been using CO & EVOO, I decided to give it ...