
Showing posts from July, 2012

Stressing Destressing.

So, I know I just posted, like, 8 hours ago, but I DO have an update! I saw Dr. P about the craziness and it turns out it was just another seizure. Yaaay, temporal lobe. Stupid. He said it's abnormal, but normal. Make sense? Like, it's abnormal in that most people don't have what I have, but normal enough that it follows just enough of a pattern for them to diagnose it. Praise Jesus for that teensy bit of normalcy. I knew I had it in me! Seriously, though - praise Jesus. As a result, my dose was raised. Again. I'm up to 100mg now. It also means I'll have a standard "day after raised dosage migraine..." yay! After that, I'll have a "day after day after raised dosage headache." It's like clockwork, really. Which is nice, but slightly annoying. Although the migraines would bug me a lot more if it wasn't for my miracle medication. Have I ever talked about Maxalt before? I'm obsessed. I call it my miracle medication because it makes...


I'll try to make this brief because I'm supposed to be studying for a test, but I've been pretty discouraged the past few days. I'm not sure if I've been having spasms, or who knows what, but my body has been freaking out . I'm kind of bummed, too, because that probably means I'll need to switch medications. Urgh. I really don't want to do that. Even as I'm sitting here, I have intense, sharp pain flying from random places like the left side of my head, to the my right elbow, to my left kidney area, and so on. It just keeps going. I've been doing so good on the pain scale up until today. Today has been freakish, though. The day started with an appendicitis scare...and I only say that because I had been super nauseous yesterday and today I had a sharp, shooting pain in the right side of my stomach that I thought was going to kill me. Since I've had appendix problems in the past, it seemed possible. Fortunately, the intense pain went away from ...

Pinterest Date!

So, I have this really wonderful friend named Brandi and she's super awesome. So awesome, that I had her as one of my bridesmaids! Here we are being pretty :) Anyway, we try to get together all the time for dinner dates and I absolutely love it. Like, LOVE. A few weeks ago, I had this idea for something I called a "pinterest date" where we would get together and make food from recipes found on pinterest. It was AWESOME. I have a slight confession to make about it, of our recipes came from my aunt...and we changed the pinterest recipes a wee bit. I made it up, though! We can change it! Here's what we made: 2 different kinds of pesto and my aunt's peach cobbler. Oh, goodness, it was a feast. Why so much pesto? I tell you why. I have a problem. Randy doesn't like pesto. Not only does Randy not like pesto, Randy doesn't like BASIL. No, no. Randy HATES basil. This shatters my soul a little bit. Dramatic? Not at all. Here's one of the ...

Here's Hopin'

I'm super tired and it is WAY past my bed time (bed time?) so this post will be brief... I saw Dr. P today and things went well, as usual. I really like that guy :) Anyway, he raised my dosage again and I'm halfway excited about it. Why only half? Because I have to take 50mg in the morning and 25mg around 6pm...Uh, I am TERRIBLE at evening medication. Not only am I terrible at evening medication, but I am even worse at taking it at a specific time. I have no idea how I'm going to remember it. BUT I'm going to try to persevere because *CONFESSION* I have a slight ulterior motive in being on Topamax. Apparently, Topamax makes you lose weight. When someone told me this, they said it made you lose your appetite a bit, so I was thinking you just lost a bit. After a bit of research, people are saying they've lost A TON on Tmax. I have gained 50ish pounds in the last few years and about 30 of those have come from the past year alone. All of the pain medication and immob...

Drama Queen

When I was in junior high, I had this shirt that had this logo on it. Little did I know, my parents had bought it as a "funny-haha" kind of thing. Okay, so I led a naive Kentucky childhood, and I don't think I knew what that word was until about a year after owning - and wearing - the shirt. Yeah...I haven't decided if I'll be that parent yet. I'm sure I will be, but I want it to be somewhat of a conscious decision! Plus, it's pretty much guaranteed any child of mine is going to be a drama queen/king. Add Randy into the mixture and we're going to have one dramatic, stubborn, smart & adorable child. All of the above traits coming from him of course ;) I claim innocence. ANYWAY, the point in all of this is to say that I have been WAAAAAY more dramatic than usual. I said from the beginning I would be honest about what was going on and how my medications were affecting me so I could maybe help someone else in a similar situation. Well, I think the ...

I Like New Things.

I almost don't want to write this, so I won't jinx myself, but I'm so excited! I'm feeling really great! I do think I need to keep "upping" my dosage on my medicine still, but I feel like I'm heading in the right direction! The headaches were kind of rough the first few days, but I'm doing much better now! In other NEWs, I have some exciting things to report! I started the "Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System" and I'm very excited about it! It's basically a way to read the entire Bible, but it's really interesting. It was recommended to me by a friend, who heard of it from a friend, and so on... Basically, you read 10 chapters of the Bible a day. You get a little bit of law, poetry, action, drama, etc. It's AWESOME! I'm a fan. I'm on day 3! I'm very excited to see how God uses it in my life! Here's the link! In each "category," you read one chapter a day. When you finish the book...

Rocky Roads & Seizure Journals

Well, I think I might have talked a little too much about how awesome I was feeling. I had almost exactly 1 week of feeling amazing and then I crashed BIG TIME. This past Saturday, I had this weird feeling all day accompanied by a headache that felt like it was kind of a broken record - it wasn't so bad until it looped around to the bad part. The "weird feeling" I mentioned was pretty annoying as well. It was like I felt like something horrible was going to happen, all day, but I couldn't figure it out. Kind of like the feeling you have when you think you've forgotten something important times 1000. It was beyond frustrating. Needless to say, it was an overwhelming day. I felt terrible. To top it all off, when I went to bed that night I had a seizure...or at least what we've come to think are my seizures. My seizures work by sending off ridiculous signals all over the place like a circuit board gone mad. That's what they think is happening anyway. My docto...


Hi there, I'm Erin. I am a wife to a great man named Randy, and we have been on quite the journey. Here we are. I really like him. See, I've always been a little different. I've always joked around that I'm "that person" who gets whatever sickness there is to get. If there's a bug going around, I get the trashcans ready and load up on pepto. Someone has a sore throat, I use hand sanitizer every 30 seconds I'm near them. It's like my immune system goes out and hunts for illness instead of protecting against it! I mean, don't get me wrong...I'm not sick with colds and things that often, but weird things happen to me. I was once convinced that my life was kind of like "The Truman Show." In case you don't know what that is, it's a movie starring Jim Carrey, where his whole life is literally a tv show, but he's the only one who isn't "in" on it. His wife, neighbors, boss, etc., they're all actors, and h...