32 Weeks
The first of our maternity photos we have gotten back đŸ’› How far along: 32wks 2days Baby's size: The size of a squash...or coconut...or jicama. It depends on which site/app you're looking at haha - about 16.7in long and I think she said just over 4lbs. She projected that baby will be approximately 7lbs or slightly more when I'm induced at 38wks. Heartbeat: 145bpm Gender: still a surprise! It honestly hasn't been as hard as I was expecting. Weight gain: around 20lbs, maybe just over. Maternity clothes: all day, every day. Well, when I'm not in pajamas...which is most days, every day. Stretch marks: not really. Belly button - in or out: in, except it kind of flattens if I take a big breath or cough/sneeze. It's pretty shallow since I had my robotic gallbladder surgery. Wedding rings - on or off: on, but they're already loose since I lost so much weight, so I probably will never need to take them off. They actually have a spacer on ...