
Showing posts from April, 2017

32 Weeks

The first of our maternity photos we have gotten back đŸ’› How far along: 32wks 2days Baby's size: The size of a squash...or coconut...or jicama. It depends on which site/app you're looking at haha - about 16.7in long and I think she said just over 4lbs. She projected that baby will be approximately 7lbs or slightly more when I'm induced at 38wks. Heartbeat: 145bpm Gender: still a surprise! It honestly hasn't been as hard as I was expecting. Weight gain: around 20lbs, maybe just over. Maternity clothes: all day, every day. Well, when I'm not in pajamas...which is most days, every day. Stretch marks: not really. Belly button - in or out: in, except it kind of flattens if I take a big breath or cough/sneeze. It's pretty shallow since I had my robotic gallbladder surgery. Wedding rings - on or off: on, but they're already loose since I lost so much weight, so I probably will never need to take them off. They actually have a spacer on ...

End of 26wks and the ER

We had a super fun Friday at the end of 25wks. (March 3rd) I was woken up at 5am with a terrible pain in my right side, but I figured it was gas or something and went back to sleep. I got up later around 9am with the same pain, but a bit worse. I honestly didn't think too much about it. It was uncomfortable, but not scary or anything. Fast forward to around 3pm or so and it's starting to become pretty uncomfortable, but still not unbearable. It for sure wasn't the round ligament stretching I've been feeling. It had gotten to where I would feel mostly find if I was sitting still, but if I went from sitting to standing it was pretty painful. By about 5pm, standing at all was horribly painful, walking killed me, and pretty much everything else but sitting still. So finally I told Randy I needed to go to the ER. We hate the ER, but we were concerned about the baby. I had been feeling kicks all day, but the pain was causing me to tense up pretty badly and I was having a bit...