
Showing posts from September, 2014


I have literally drafted 6 blog posts for an update, but I always manage to get distracted and I haven't finished any of them! By the time I get back around to finishing the post (1-2 weeks later) most of what I have written is old news, or I need to convert it to past tense, haha. Basically, I'm the worst! So sorry. I hope you haven't given up on me! Warning: this post is going to be FULL of pictures because SO much has happened! This is on our door in our office :) I have been so busy with my job these days and that is fine by me! I love my job. I have always adored books, but for some reason I never thought of working in a library as particularly fun . Maybe because I've always gotten my books from school libraries, and school definitely doesn't bring the warm fuzzies. I wanted to work in a book store from age 16, but I never considered a library. For one thing, I don't think I ever realized that there are more than librarians who work at libraries...