
Showing posts from August, 2013

A Breath of Hot Air

This past Tuesday I started a new adventure with my favorite ginger :) (my favorite non-husband ginger, that is...) We started practicing hot Y O G A! Tuesday was our first class, and since then I have been to 5 classes! I had gone to one class when I spent a month in South Korea in 2011, but I had no clue what anyone was talking about, and it was really weird being the only non-Korean there. Definitely uncomfortable. I liked it, but it wasn't a life changing experience or anything. This is Ally & I in our first week of college - we were roomies :) and yes, my hair was hot pink Before my experience in Korea, I'll admit that I was one of those people that kind of looked down on yoga because I thought it was just a bunch of humming in a room with a bunch of people wearing no more than 2 articles of clothing. I also thought it was just a series of stretching into freaky positions that only stretched you out. I definitely didn't think it helped with weight ...

Recipe Love : Peach Cobbler Edition

So I have a new recipe that I am cuckoo for cocoa puffs over. Well, sorta...I never liked cocoa puffs... You get the picture anyway, right? I hate telling people what this recipe calls for until they actually eat it, because anyone who knows the ingredients before they eat it will usually only eat it because they don't believe me when I say it's amazing. I don't blame them. If someone had told me what was in it before I ate it I probably would have been a big food snob about it, depriving myself of something glorious. So what am I yapping on about? P E A C H C O B B L E R ! Aka: my favorite dessert, ever. For the record, my dad makes an incredible peach many would call the best cobbler they've ever eaten. It is delicious, but it is also time consuming. I don't mind spending time on food, but sometimes you just don't have the time, ya know? Can I get an "amen"? So do yourself a favor and give this recipe a chance...then memor...

EVCO Revisited, Vacation, & Cooking

If you read my blog often, you know I have a slight grudge against using coconut oil on my skin... I first mentioned my misfortune with it in this post.   I used it on my face and developed TERRIBLE pimples that were super deep and incredibly painful. I decided then I would never try it again. Then, I discovered the oil cleansing method that I mentioned in a different post... it used castor oil and EVOO mixed together. Unfortunately, after a little over 2 months of using this on my face, it stopped helping. If anything, it started making things worse. I have a friend that has been using it for a long time with no trouble, though. Everyone is different. Several people told me they had used the oil cleansing method, but with extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) instead. I was considering it, but still wasn't sold... Then I read this blog post by another blogger,  Little Miss MBA , about using coconut oil the same way I had been using CO & EVOO, I decided to give it ...

A Few of My Favorite Things: Part 2

Last September, I wrote a post titled  A Few of My Favorite Things  that was mostly about things I have discovered in my medical journey. Now, anything is game. Hope you enjoy! Also, does anyone else automatically begin  singing  trying to sing like Julie Andrews any time you hear someone discuss their favorite things?? No? Just me? 1. Ree Drummond - aka,  Pioneer Woman I feel like she just  gets me.  This woman is my favorite chef, cookbook author, tv personality, soul sister (hah), and various other things that I just admire. Seriously, I want to be Ree when I grow up! Not only are her recipes  pure gold , but she has this way about her that is quirky, funny, and totally relatable. Other food network people may be pretty, or friendly-looking, but she is the first one I have ever wanted for a friend. She is an amazing mom, wife, cook, and person. I mean, I guess she could be putting on a mask, but I seriously doubt it. Just read her ...