A Breath of Hot Air
This past Tuesday I started a new adventure with my favorite ginger :) (my favorite non-husband ginger, that is...) We started practicing hot Y O G A! Tuesday was our first class, and since then I have been to 5 classes! I had gone to one class when I spent a month in South Korea in 2011, but I had no clue what anyone was talking about, and it was really weird being the only non-Korean there. Definitely uncomfortable. I liked it, but it wasn't a life changing experience or anything. This is Ally & I in our first week of college - we were roomies :) and yes, my hair was hot pink Before my experience in Korea, I'll admit that I was one of those people that kind of looked down on yoga because I thought it was just a bunch of humming in a room with a bunch of people wearing no more than 2 articles of clothing. I also thought it was just a series of stretching into freaky positions that only stretched you out. I definitely didn't think it helped with weight ...