What Now?
As if life wasn't crazy enough, I have shingles now... Thursday night, I noticed I had a bump on the back of my head. I didn't think anything of it at first because I thought it was just a pimple or something? I don't know... Later that night, as I was laying in bed I noticed that the bump really hurt since I was laying with the back of my head on the pillow. I decided to ignore it and tried to go to sleep. The next morning, I got up and the bump felt HUGE! It was definitely a big knot at that point. Not having hit my head or anything, I couldn't figure out what it was! So I started feeling the back of my head and I noticed that there was a second bump starting to form. I immediately knew what it was. Back when I was 16, I had shingles on the back of my head and they were AWFUL! Back then, it also started with a mysterious knot on the back of my head. By the time it got big enough to be alarming, I went to the doctor, but it was too late. The bumps/blisters had ...